Bolton Conservatives have launched a campaign to stop Bolton Labour's plans for an effective Garden Tax on homes right across the borough.
Under the proposals, any home with garden waste will be subject to an annual charge for the collection of their green bin. This is on top of their normal Council Tax Bill.
The Garden Tax will not only affect private homeowners but also those in social housing, the latter who tend to have large spaces provided by their social housing provider.
Shadow Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, Cllr Nadim Muslim, said:
Let’s be very clear, this is a Garden Tax.
This is a punishment for people who have aspired, who have achieved and who have got a garden.
I rejected similar proposals when we ran the council. I said it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t reasonable to expect residents to fork out for what are supposed to be basic council services.
It just goes to show that Cllr Silvester and the Labour group talk a good game about climate change but then they don’t deliver.
Not to mention the risk of increased fly-tipping and lower recycling rates as a result.
The fact that Labour have done this after the deadline has passed for questions at council has passed indicates that want to avoid debate. This from a Labour group that has claimed to be the most open and transparent ever, once again they have failed to deliver on that.
Residents can join our campaign by clicking here.